I am currently reading an interesting book which poses a debate between Freud, and CS Lewis about various subjects stemming from their opposing views on theology, called “The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex and the Meaning of Life” by Armand M. Nicholi. It’s interesting to read on how our views on religion seem to affect how we view happiness as well. As I wrote about in my previous post, Just Live, the idea of living for yourself and being the beacon of your own happiness is instrumental. It was really interesting to read about two intelligent individuals in our recent history having this posed debate. I know that I will look back on my lifetime, especially in the last few years and be proud of the actions I took which resulted in attaining my current happiness level. I will not have to include anyone else in attribute of that achievement. This is what drives me to get up every morning, responsibility and complete control of my own self fulfillment.
Of course we are all individuals and what works for me will not necessarily work for the next man down or even what worked for me in the past. I have mentioned my previous believe in God and I will admit that I did find a comfort in achieving a lifestyle for him. I worked diligently to try and follow the teachings of the bible and put my trust in a higher and seemingly more educated power. The entity that knew inherently what was right and wrong. In my early teenage years this was a guiding light in a very chaotic time for me. Slowly though I discovered something about myself, and that was I felt the same sense of well being when I began to internalize my prayers. When I started putting faith in myself and what I could and couldn’t accomplish I felt a real wholeness, and a more complete me.
I very slowly recognized that I was blaming God for my shortcomings and praising myself for my achievements. When this became apparent I realized that it had to be all or nothing, rationally I needed to accept God in my corner for good and bad as a Christian. And selfishly I realized that I couldn’t do this. I was the one living, and making choices, so I needed to accept the good and bad in me. I could not use an alternate force in times of trouble. I realized that, I was a strong individual and could attain peace and comfort in my own actions. I didn’t need the navigational principles of religious teachings to be a good and sound human, it was inside me. And further I grew to believe that our human race would not have evolved to where it is today if this basic and fundamental rational human being did not exist in almost all of us. Of course there are always exceptions and variations which allow for cruelty and disgusting examples of humans and their behaviour, as evidenced by many of the genocides and corruption in our world. This is an evolutionary variant and I do not attribute to any faith or lack of faith meme.
This is my journey of my self-discovery, and why I confidently say that I am the source of my own happiness. When life is stressful or I am in the pitfall of an emotional roller coaster, it is up to me to attain happiness. It is my choice to stay in a level of poor me, or to find a way to get out of it. I have chosen to seek professional help when I was not able to get out of a depressed state on my own. So I will always recognize that there are situations that we are not always able to find solutions to ourselves. Be it a simple girls night for emotional team building, or therapy and possibly anti-depressants or mood stabilizers with a doctors strict care.
I have a very brave friend who recently posted on facebook a status regarding making mental health as open as physical health. I couldn’t agree more, as it is with acknowledgement and openness that we are able to fix the symptoms and provide treatment versus putting our health and welfare into invisible beings and faith only. Happiness is attainable, and more than that, it should not be an end goal or a prize for life’s hard work and achievements. Happiness should be a daily and even hourly reflection of all that we do in life. A smile every day is the simplest thing we can do. It’s your life, so live the best way you can, find the happiness inside and out.