Our society is repressed when it comes to sex, and because of that repression we become confused as to what is actually appropriate or not. I fully endorse slutting it up for Halloween. I think adults going out and playing, flirting and basically shedding inhibitions is important for a multitude of reasons including the very simple that it just feels great. As I have written before, I am also fortunate to live in a city with a secondary event where sexual repression is shed and that is during our Calgary Stampede. These are great events where the inner slut can come to play in a more public forum, shedding inhibitions with little to no judgement. However, we have made a small mistake in our quest for fun, and that is in not keeping the sluttiness for adults alone.
Sex is for adults, sexual behavior is for adults, sluts are for adults. Short skirts, knee high socks and mocked cleavage are not appropriate for our children. I have heard a couple of times Dan Savage tearing strips out of parents who are trying to be GGG (good, giving and game) when it comes to raising children. And guess what? This is not appropriate behavior. Dressing your children up to show excess skin, or to display sex appeal is not the way to show your sexual openness. It is outright crazy. Adult behavior and actions are for adults and not for our children. I cannot see any well rounded parent handing their 8 year old a joint and saying here, just a taste. And yet when I go to costume shops I see an endless array of slutty, tight fitting costumes for girls ages 8 and up. The manufacturers produce these because there is a demand, and I am perplexed as to why there could possibly be any demand at all.

I would love to blame the media for having sexy toys, and young teens wearing make up on TV, but let us be realistic, even though there may well be greater access to a sexualized market the young teenagers are not spending their own money in obtaining these items.
My mom paid for my costume and that meant that she had a say in what I dressed up as, and let me tell you, she was focused on me being warm and not on encouraging me to slut it up.
Parents need to stop being such pussies when it comes to their kids, to put their foot down and not allow their children to wear costumes that are intended for adults.
I recall being really impressed by costumes that were handmade, or looked unique.
I would never have been impressed if one of my friends was wearing high heels and a short skirt thereby slowing us down in the quest for candy.
Plus you are going door to door, the very first social networking game.
Just as you mentally remember the good and bad candy houses for next year, the candy givers also remember the costumes and creativity, those got the extra handful.
If your costume makes that person uncomfortable the amount of candy you are going to receive is decreased.

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Bottom line is that children do not need to dress slutty for Halloween. Leave the sluts for adults, and allow the little trick or treaters to enjoy their childhoods free of the stresses that sex brings. Although this has become an adult holiday for many of us, keep in mind that it is the season of candy for our next generation. We need to respect that, and not encourage inappropriate lines to be crossed when it comes to their costumes.
And if you want to see this years Halloween costume check out my gallery!
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