When I was a toddler, my mom took me to do a photo shoot. The photographer asked what my favorite thing to do was and my mom told him it was to undress. To this day my mom has the framed progression of me taking off my dress, stripping into my slip, and then posing with a mirror in my socks and underwear. This framed artwork was never hidden, and I am sure nearly every friend I invited over to my place has heard me tell the same story. My very first photo shoot was of me stripping, so it should come as no surprise that every photo shoot I have done since is of the more risqué nature. Taking off my clothes in front of a camera is a natural thing to do. There is no shame, even though I will often tell people it is for artistic purposes only, or to look back upon when I am 80. Maintaining a comfort with being naked has not always been easy though.
I was a late bloomer, flat, thin, and nothing special until I turned 17. By special, I mean almost boyish, with no curves to speak of. And yet, I was OK with my body being plain. I did not know any different, and I was never shy in a bathing suit. I preferred not getting naked in change rooms as I was often grossed out by the more European variety of woman that flaunted what they should not have been flaunting. I practiced modesty where ever possible. Not for my own body, more to ensure no one else was uncomfortable. A strange mentality I know, but if you are a regular reader you should not be shocked.
As an adult I have heard my fair share of crazy attitudes when it comes to me being naked. For example, I had an ex tell me that he did not want me to walk around the house naked as he feared nudity would be commonplace and he would no longer be turned on when I took off my clothes. Sanctifying nudity for sex only? Well, what can I say, he is an ex for many reasons. Another more recent one, is that my ass has more corners than curves. Apparently, my butt is quite muscular and firm, and has a difficult time forming into a round or circular booty. I have even been told to eat more so I would grow more curves in the hip and thigh area, and therefore have a hot booty that would jiggle more.