I want to elaborate on a comment I made in my last post, whereby I said that I lowered my standards when looking for couples. While I standby my statement, I do feel that it needs a little more elaboration, especially if any couples that we date should happen to stumble upon my little blog. As I said, I stand by that statement and the reason for that is this, when dating as a couple, you need to take your partners wants and needs into consideration and not just your own. For example, I love tall men, and I will outright dismiss any male who is shorter than me or of equal height. That is my solo dating standard and is non negotiable, as a couple though, I am much more open.
As a couple dating, those “non negotiable” becomes less important. I am not looking for that male who looks amazing standing beside me, will someday father my children, and other necessary genetic traits for my long term happiness. Instead, it becomes more of a “we” thing. And together we are looking for awesome personality, fun and full of adventurous or engaging stories. We can broaden our horizons and turn a blind eye to certain main partner prerequisites because these individuals and couples are more accurately bonuses in our lives.
The harsh part of the statement that may have been inferred on first reading, is that it is hard for me to relax my stringent criteria for what I find attractive. So I have been trying to take a deep breath and take in the whole person rather than jumping to my immediate nopes. And what makes that process more rewarding is that look in my partners eyes when he finds something or someone besides me sexy. He gets this twinkle of excitement, and it almost always comes back full circle for me. A little spice on the side results in me getting nearly twice as much affection shortly after. It is an intensity that is very difficult to describe if you have not experienced it for yourself. When there is no guilt associated with getting spice, flirting and finding new people, your expression of passion for your main partner nearly explodes. It is a sensation that throws you in a moment that you almost never want to end. That place where you appreciate who you are with for that second, moment and life in a deep and powerful way.
I wrote early on in my blog about chasing butterflies. And that’s the rub, you just cannot get that butterfly feeling with someone that you know so completely. What you can get though, is butterflies with someone new, and then full complete passion and love with that person you will spend the rest of your life with. No terrible crash after the butterflies, no apprehension or nervousness, or insecure feelings. The beautiful tummy flip of adrenaline, followed by the fullness of love and complete satisfaction by someone who knows every nook and cranny of your body and soul. It is so difficult to paint properly the picture of emotions that make my life complete when I am able to share all these experiences with my partner. I know I am not doing it near enough justice, so all I can do is close my eyes, and try to write out the near perfect feeling of being able to have my cake and eat it too. To have found a relationship norm that includes butterflies, and deep, stable passion all in one day with nothing artificial. That deep yearning to be loved for everything you are, with a delightful mix, of getting to meet someone new, and the tease of new adventures. And to do all of this in the open, with love and support. This is why I blog, this is the purpose of sharing with all my dear readers. I cannot keep to myself this most perfect relationship standard that enhance my life so perfectly. I am truly blessed and complete in my emotional needs and wants. This is my true love.