I wrote a post nearly 4 years ago, whereby I questioned the forgive and forget mantra when it comes to family. I wrote also, that I was done allowing my family to control me. When I read back through this post I can see that I was a mess, both in sentence structure and grammar, but also in the waves of emotion I tried to conceal. I was forcing objectivity while hurting so badly. It is never easy to walk away from a family that does not support you as an adult. A woman who is trying to find her way in the world, judged from the foundation out.
But I am very proud to report a few things. Number one, I closed the door on a family member who emotionally abused me. Number two, I opened the door to a family member that had been closed out of my life for years. We offered each other forgiveness and love and are working diligently to have a real father daughter adult relationships. And I couldn’t be more thankful that he came back into my life during this dark timeline that I am in.
I broke free of my families hypocrisy. And rejected the notion that I had to accept them and their words and actions, while they talk about me behind my back and judge me. Acceptance is a two way street. My biological dad and my renewed relationship with him is based on this principle. We do not judge each other, simply try to understand and support. We are no longer re hashing past events, but rather forging new memories and experiences. He found peace, and I have found my inner voice. I can not lament the closed minded people who share my blood. I can only be grateful to have relationships with those who are open and genuinely love life, themselves and me.
Finding unconditional love within a few of my family members has helped my confidence in the dating world as well. I am more open to new partners and less jealous of the past. It took a few years to really see the truth in who I am and who my partner is. Now that I can, well, I treat myself with the respect and pride I deserve.
In a Utopian world, this post would be about everyone in my life forgiving and forgetting. However, this is the real world and this post is celebratory. I have forgiven myself and by forgetting the past on an individual that never thought I could or would, I have found peace. Here`s to new and amazing beginnings. Why wait until 2016 is officially over to move forward?
NAMASTE, to YOU ,and thank you for speaking your truth
Thank you for all the love and support.