Breasts – Non- Monogamous Origins Hypothesis

Breasts are defined as secondary sex characteristics, so then why did breasts evolve?  Two main hypothesis’s exist in the anthropologists mind. The first is that men just favour women with larger breasts so that is who they mated with which lead to an increased breast size in our gene pool.  The second is that it was an evolutionary trait to attract men paralleled to the peacock and his eyelets on his feathers.  In peacocks studies have been done to show that the eyelets, both colour and quantity is a sign of the best possible mate to the Peahens.  These secondary sex characteristics have thus evolved into beautiful and ornate things of beauty.  So with this in mind it will be curious to see how “life finds a way” with all the plastic surgery and breast enhancements out there that actually skew reality.
Let’s say that men just really love women with large breasts and select those women to have sex with.  Well great, everyone loves boobs, and that would explain why breasts are getting larger, even unnaturally large in some instances.  Of course we have to balance in the additional hormone levels in our food, and our easy access to higher quality and more plentiful resources.  But what if it is the latter?
If women’s breast size was an adaptive advantage to securing a mate or even just getting his attention, it is possible that historically we were not all a monogamous society.  If women had to compete then there would have to be an evolutionary reason, and that reason just hypothetically would be that there was direct competition between the sexes.  Women had to display these secondary sex characteristics in the faces of men in order to be selected as a mate.  Thus there may have been a time when women had to compete for male attention in an evolutionary sense.  Likely to have evolved in multi female – one male societies as depicted in the animal kingdom where women needed to develop secondary characteristics.  We see examples in the animal kingdom where polygynous (one male, multi female)birds will develop very strong secondary sex characteristics to attract the males.  If interested this is a great article that explains further.  Although there is risk to utilizing animal behaviour to determine right and wrong human behaviours, it can be used and a great resource to exemplify the relationship variants. 
Personally I am far too competitive a soul to contemplate engaging in a plural relationship where I shared by mate full time with another female.  But that is entirely my viewpoint and I acknowledge that it may make some couples incredibly happy.   To me the fascination is in exploring all the different viewpoints and why as a society we favour one circumstance over another.  It’s exciting to think that we have evolutionary clues as to what and how our past ancestors lived, and under what social constructs.

Who Doesn’t Love Boobs?

I am a straight woman who loves men very much, but honestly I think it’s universally accepted that humanity loves boobs.  Men try not to oggle at that rack walking down the street, and woman look on with envious eyes.  The mesmerizing effect that the chest is challenged by very little else.  It is the power card women have over their male counterpart, boobs trump almost anything.

And this is the very reason that they are feared.  That men in power have tried many ways to repress and keep women in their place, pregnant, and barefoot in the kitchen.  Muslim women covered head to toe in cloth, or skirts past ones ankles in Mennonite colonies.  I am not a feminist or perhaps not a writer of feminist material, but I am against repression of any kind and after much research I am lead to believe that religion has done more to repress the feminine wiles than anything else out there.

I understand that the topic is up for some debate, but there is much research out there by such authors as Baigent, and Jordan which debate the most effective form of repression in woman today.  Turning Mary Magdalene, from a historically accurate wife (Jesus), to that of a prostitute.  Religious men are so fearful of a woman’s power that they change history to suit their needs, in this case, keeping a very powerful woman below the men around her.

There is so much ancient script where woman could almost reach godly status in their tribe or village.  Woman played key roles in ceremonies and the management of their people.  Why did men turn from adoring their women, to changing history and mandating dress code as forms of oppression?  It’s an unfortunate reality that in the 60’s a law needed to be passed that if a woman did the same work as a man, she had to be paid the same.  The legal world had to step up and force the populous to give fair wages.  Our elected governing body had more common sense than the entity so many out there entrust their immortal souls to, the church.

The bottom line though is that boobs get their way in many situations and men have little willpower against it.  Religion has guided so many in the direction of gender separation that I am hard pressed to find a religious male out there who knows how the female should be treated.  Either the woman is forced down, or put upon a pedestal possibly out of guilt?  I personally have hidden my own chest many times as I wanted to be judged for my wit and not the cleavage.  So I suppose even I am not yet past religions hold on societal views.  I hope someday woman can be proud to use their assets to benefit both themselves and that of the people around them without shame or judgement.  For now though, as long as we keep educating ourselves and asking why do we do the things we do, we can gain a complete understanding and make the changes necessary to ensure equality.

If you love boobs too, and want to support my sex positive Patreon, check out BreakingAway!