Our First Hotel Takeover – A Tale in Two Parts – Part II (NSFW)

The sexy part ii of our first hotel takeover.

So, with the logistics and lessons learned all blogged in part I, lets move onto the sexy adventures part that I know you are all waiting to read, because really, isn’t that the whole point of attending a lifestyle party?

We arrived at the New Years Eve Ballroom dressed to impress, or as the theme goes, Fancy as Fuck!  I was wearing a sexy red dress with nothing underneath, and my partner was looking dapper in his three piece suit. We had a little liquid courage back in our hotel room while waiting for midnight to arrive, so were feeling pretty confident as we walked into the grand ballroom moments after the ball dropped.  Here we stood, looking around at the hundreds of people drinking, mingling and grinding on the dancefloor. The visual sensation was amazing, with girls in little panties and pasties dancing in cages, couples getting to know each other on white leather couches, and a full dance floor lead by a live DJ and a laser light show. There were smiling faces everywhere, and it was contagious.

Now if you will recall in part I, I remarked how important the meet and greets and early events are to being successful at a hotel takeover. Having been unaware of this, our evening got off to a slow start. I, for all my credit, have not practiced the art of opening up a couple in a long time.  Back home we let our costumes do most of the work, and here we found ourselves in a situation where we didn’t immediately stand out as being the most outlandishly dressed. In addition, this was a room full of people who had already vetted each other out and in many cases had playtime all weekend long.  A few it seemed were all partied out from the night before and simply stayed till midnight before dragging their hungover butts back to their rooms.

Never one to be discouraged in new situations, my partner rallied and challenged me to a little game. My goal was to go up to a stranger and open them up. It didn’t matter if I wanted to fuck them, they just had to want to fuck me by the end of the conversation. I love games, and with a few deep breaths, I found a woman, beautifully dressed, standing alone, and I went to make my move (which is especially challenging for me because I am for the most part straight). Success!  I opened, got her laughing and was actually able to introduce my partner to her, and she in turn tried to introduce her husband to us.  As it turns out he was distracted, so we took our leave to continue the hunt.

Walking around the dance floor, my partner, encouraged me to go up to a guy in a pineapple suit, dancing happily on the dance floor and compliment him.  This I serendipitously did, and both he and his girlfriend would end up opening doors for us, and inviting us to parties for the remainder of the night. After dancing, and chatting up a few more couples in the ballroom and the after party, we decided it was time to pursue some sexy fun. The pineapple suite couple invited us to their after party, and it was here we learned a magical thing of hotel after parties, the open door policy.  If the door lock is flipped open, you are free to just walk into any room and find the sexy show of your choosing. It’s an incredible thing.  7 or 8 floors in a hotel, and at least 2 open doors on each floor (we were told that the night before there were a tonne more). Even so, here we stood, in a room with a bunch of strangers talking about vibrators, butt plugs and spankings. Moments like this will always seem surreal to me. Finding a bunch of sex positive people, all in a room, talking about sex like it is completely natural, and commonplace. I get a little quiet in these moments, just taking it all in. I watch, just listening as people laugh, tie each other up, pull out toys and bring out copious amounts of lube. It is an experience like none other. After watching for a few more minutes it was time for my partner and I to find some sexy adventures of our own.

I will gloss over the next few hours of hotel exploration, and hallway blowjobs, because I want to get to our steamy and sexy story which if is too much for you, then please stop reading here. Also, this is a great time to point out, that swinging is not easy! It actually took us hours to find what we were looking for, with constant negotiations, checking in, and of course sips out of our flask! But again, let’s fast forward to about 4 in the morning where our hard work was about to pay off.


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We found a hotel room, that we had been in and out of already a few times. It had a stripper pole, a table full of booze, bed, couch and a few chairs. I was publicly giving my partner a BJ on the couch, with a few onlookers (which is one of my favorite things to do at a party), and he was edging closer and closer to cumming. Just before he reached the moment where he would lose control, he begged to fuck me on the bed. Suddenly I was bent over the side of the bed, with my dress lifted, and him lubing up his hard cock. Within seconds he was inside me, pounding me, leaning me propped up on the side of the bed.  A woman dressed in a school girl costume sat on the bed beside me, and a guy who was pursing her looked longingly at playing with us both. He asked politely if he could touch me. With a slight pause I said yes, and he gently touched my arm. When he got the go ahead from the school girl he started fondling both of us. Within moments my partner was asking to touch her, too, while pounding me, and the playful four-way groping had commenced.

It’s hard to describe the feeling of two new mouths, licking and sucking your nipples, while fondling each other, and your partner fucking you from behind making you cum again and again, and watching his outstretched arm fondling her small and very perky breasts.  These are moments you want to freeze frame and relive again and again, which is the main reason I am writing this.  Pure sexual bliss and freedom.  That moment of shared pleasure, and pure ecstasy. With everything building, it was time for my partner to join in the cumming fun.  He flipped me onto my back, and within a few thrusts was ready to let loose all over my exposed breasts and stomach.  At the moment of climax, the guy behind me grabbed my breasts and played with them as cum shot all over my bare body.  With exclamations of oh, that is so hot from the couple sharing our experience, we breathlessly finished.  Happy and exhausted. It made everything we had experienced that night worth the lessons and learning curve.  We came, and we were beaming with the after-sex glow we love so much.

Our first hotel takeover was a success.

If you enjoyed this post, and want to see the behind the scenes, getting ready pictures, check out my Photo gallery page!

Dancing on the Bar, A Swing Club New Years Eve Story

In my early 20’s I used to frequent night clubs quite a bit.  One of my favorite things to do was to dance.  Every few weeks, my girlfriend and I would find our way to the DJ booth at a bar downtown and dance on top of it.  I would spend hours dancing.  A drink would last me almost the entire night and I would   wake up the next morning with burning thighs, from my killer workout in heels.  It turns out, that dancing on the bar at a swing club can be even more fun!
My past two New Years Eve’s have been spent in swinger clubs and this year was no exception.  We got all dolled up, and got to the club a little before 8 pm.  I will fast forward past all the amazing people watching, mingling and people watching we did.  Except to say a special thank you to the gorgeous, perfectly toned black man walking around with a Santa hat on his dick.  Umm… yes please, and thank you!  Ahem, just catching my breath, ok, back to my story.  Just before midnight we were mingling by the staff table and a woman asked if after midnight I would like to join her to dance on the bar.  Without hesitation I said yes.  We toasted the New Years with Champagne on the dance floor and moments later I was tapped on the shoulder and told they were ready for the dancers.
I think there were 4 of 5 us chosen, mostly regulars that the crowd knew and liked, and then me.  I quickly remember how much I love being up on the stage.  Dancing for mostly me, and grinding up there with the ladies around me, I had nothing but a short dress and an ear to ear grin.  We were chatting to each other in between dance moves and laughing and I for one was growing more aware of the crowd that had gathered.  E was front and centre, enjoying the show, and for my part I felt even more free to dance knowing he was so close by.  So here I am, chatting with this gorgeous woman beside me of Asian decent, grinding, and being my little flirtatious self when she asked me this question, “Can I take you panties off?”  To say I was shocked was a complete understatement.  I smiled, asked for clarification, and just kept dancing.  She asked again.  I looked back at her, then E, then back at her and may or may not have asked why?  Either way she waited until I must have said a firm yes, and proceeded to take off the panties from underneath my dress, right in front of the crowd as we danced on the bar.
The next thing I know, my dress was hiked up and I felt a tongue.  One of my few female experiences and it was completely public.  With my dress pulled up, everything is exposed and there is a woman I have never met, going down on me.  It was absolutely exhilarating.  And another first was about to happen.
I saw a man chat with E very briefly and then E asked me to bend down to chat with him.  Turns out a guy wanted to thank me for the show!  E pulled out $6 bucks that the guy had given him and I promptly pulled down my shirt so that he could insert the bills in the most logical place… my bra.  I had now officially made my first few bucks stripping!  I should mention that in this club, there is no reason to have cash on hand.  It is BYOB and there is food and amenities on hand, like condoms and lube.  So although the dollar amount may seem low, it was a token of appreciation.  One that I am beyond thankful for!  And of course the coffee that was purchased with that sweet, dirty money the next day.


The lovely lady who gave me such a wonderful experience chatted with me for a bit and then we went our separate ways.  It was quite beautiful, and I find myself thinking more and more about the experience.  I am not sure what this will mean for my dating future, but the cherry has been popped so to speak.  And I am looking forward to discovering what new adventures 2017 has waiting for me.
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New Years Eve, The Swing Club and A Migraine?!?

Sometimes health has a funny way of interfering with our best laid plans.  This year, E and I decided that the most awesome way to ring in the New Year would be at a Swingers Club surrounded by hundreds of naked couples in the LA area.  And with tickets purchased and clothing pressed we were off, nearly 1 year to the day we went last year.  When we went on the first of 2015, it was very quiet.  Perhaps 20 couples in total throughout the night and you can read more of my adventures here.  

This year, just driving up to the parking lot, we knew it was going to be a completely different experience.  After a little nerve check and a pep talk in the car, we raced through the parking lot in extremely gusty winds that reminded us for the briefest moment of winter at home.

Once safely inside, and checked in, and we slowly made our way to the bar.  Once a beer was in hand, we were able to look around and asses what we had just gotten ourselves into.  The flyer said that the night was black and white, dress to impress.  Of course that is what we did, with E in his 3 piece suit and me, in a tight fitting long dress.  But as we looked out, we saw every manor of dress code interpretation you could think of.  From fake tuxedo shirts and black pants, to real tuxedos, and even a man with nothing but a leather vest, chaps and cowboy boots.  The woman ranged from the classic tight black dress, to sequenced mini- skirts, right on over to lingerie or topless with hula type skirts.  At $120 bucks per couple, I suppose you paid to wear whatever made you feel confident and sexy.

So here we were, beer in hand, taking in all the sights and sounds multiplied by nearly 20 over the previous year , as we figured there were about 350 couples on hand, plus staff and security, about to ring in 2016.  Walking from the bar to the bathroom was a complete grope fest, which was welcomed from some, and just creepy from others.  Added to it just a bizarre level of mingling and small chat, while waiting in line to get into either the couples washroom or the women only one, but that is what happens when you have such a vast of horny people in one room.  The ages ranged from a group of cute mid 20’s couples, right on up to people in their 70’s, who had probably been coming to this event for decades.  You had to admire their courage, and just the whole, who gives a fuck about age mentality. 

We danced, drank and were just getting into some light flirting and conversation with a fairly interesting couple when my body decided to give me a little surprise.  Remember that massive wind storm that we walked through the parking lot to?  Well it brought with it an enormous pressure change, and my head went from clear and happy to a pounding mess.  So here I am, trying to have a sexy good time, while holding back wincing amounts of pain.  Drinking my water, and moving ever so slowly.  Yup, and I broke a huge rule of mine.  I left my pain killers at the hotel room, because I figured my purse would be too full with ID, condoms and lube.  I was just a horny 30 something year old, wanting to throw my normal responsible self out the window for a New Years Eve.  Someday I will learn, maybe.

I can only admire E, and his reaction to this whole thing.  Here I am, saying I am going to be a trooper and last as long as I can, because we paid for this party and we are going to get sexy.  While at the same time trying to find a dark cozy nook where I could just hide away and not move an inch, which is not easy while there are 700 naked people walking around trying to do the exact same thing, albeit for very different reasons.  We walked around and while I would lean up against a wall and try to relax, he was able to have a really good look around at all the sex crazed couples bouncing from bed and room to swing.  It wasn’t much, but the best I could offer at the time.  We rang in the New Year on the dance floor, with dozens of sweaty people, free of many of the garments they came in wearing, hugging and kissing each other in one of the coolest situations I have ever seen.  It was hard not to feel that for just a moment you were out of body, and just watching, enchanted by the freeness of it all.  I think one of my favorite moments was grinding my man on the dance floor, without a single person judging us for it.  Allowing the music to just let us experience whatever we were feeling at that exact moment.  It was a glimmer of bliss and I forgot for those few minutes the throbbing that was guiding my evening.

I would love for this post to have been about all the amazing New Years Eve sexy fun that we had.  But sometimes life and health just gets in the way of that.  You roll with it, and just do your best.  We did finally find a little nook, and we did what we both do best.  It was hot, but it took all my will power to stay in that moment and not lose control of the pounding in my head.  After all the reflection though, and a year in between visits to swing clubs, E and I got some fabulous dialogue going.  We both know why we enjoy going, can discuss it, and share our wants and needs when we go back.  We are so lucky and fortunate to have found each other.  I love my partner, through all these years, the sexy times and the headaches.