Hypocrite You Say? Posting Sexy Photos is NOT an Invitation for Sexism or Trolls


Last year I wrote an article for Medium, with regards to this pervasive myth that it’s easier for woman to write about sex than men, and if you haven’t already, I do hope you give it a read for a little extra context for what I want to rant a bit about on here.  And perhaps, I will be able to formulate these rants into a more cohesive article for medium. But, for the time being, I want to address this hypocritical murmur I am hearing with regards to my boob forward images, and my hard stance against sexism and harassment.  I am body and sex positive, and no that does not mean that I or anyone else who creates content, is therefor open to sexism or harassment.  And the irony is not lost on me that I am writing this rant only a week after boldly re-claiming my power, but I guess, my boldness adds fodder to the trolls and hypocrite criers.  Ugh.

When I post boobs and beer on Instagram, that is my celebration of two things I love. And when I post bonus content on my Patreon (for a small subscription or one time fee) it is because, I deserve to get a little kickback for all the free content I put out there. Plain and simple. And yeah, admitting that I deserve a little money for what I do, is a tough thing to write down, and own.  Phew, glad I got that out of the way. And now onto the hypocrisy of it all.

One of the little notes I sent myself when mulling over how I wanted boobs, beer, and vinyl to look and feel was “Sex and nudity should be normalized, fun, and playful”. And yes, I send a lot of little notes to myself in between writing sessions. The thing about this one is, it is important to me that my images not just be sexy, shot in the best lighting ever, or even filtered. Why? Because real, and raw is who I am, with an element of playful and random.  That to me, is the key to embracing body positivity and normalizing nudity and the enjoyment of the naked body.  Of course with IG, nudity of any sort is forbidden, so I have to work within the parameters of their platform.  Which is perfectly fine with me, and presents a fun little challenge of riding that fine line.

But there are a few things I need to get right out there in the open.  There is nothing hypocritical about my strong stance against sexism and my fun desire to be sexy and playful with my photographs and selfies.  If you, have ever thought that I bring on the harassment and abuse myself due to my content that I put out into the world, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! Let me be very clear, we cannot become a sex positive culture if we shame people for putting out content that is sexual  or suggestive in nature.  As I wrote in my Medium article, it is not easy putting intimate content out for public consumption. Trolls are the worst, and stalkers, are real. I have feared for my safety a number of times over the years, and even changed my nudity policy for my blog articles (if you’re a regular reader, I know you’re sick of me writing that down, but it still irks me that I had to do that).

Looking for a New Sex Toy? Love 50% off? Check out this article to find out how!

I have tried to understand the correlation between writing the word sex and getting trolled. I just don’t understand. Why when people read the phrase sex positive do they short circuit and assume that I’m down to fuck or that I want to talk about sex and my personal life with strangers? I call it trolling simply because it’s something that rational people in the real world would never do. Anonymity creates a seemingly safe space for creeps.  And I put content out, in a lot of places, thus there is a never ending stream of violations towards my privacy, sanity, and sexual well being. And no, it should not be this way, nor should I simply accept the fact because I write or photograph “sex” themed content at times.  And yet, in the real world, actual acquaintances of mine believe that this is par for the course and I bring this on myself. Ugh!  But I don’t do this simply for attention, and definitely not for the money.  I do this because it’s what I want to write about, what I am passionate about photographing, and what fuels me. 

And there is another element to this, a much more personal one.  Yesterday, I was in a terrible mood, and you know what made me cheer up? Taking the time to grab a beer, put on a silly bikini to match a vinyl cover, and plan a little photo shoot in my living room.  I got my brain to think about something fun, had tunes going, and cracked a beer.  Doing this little selfie absolutely got me out of my head, and brought some playfulness from my living room, and after I shared with those on my social media. It was truly a mental boost for me. And how in the world can that be wrong?

So, if you are one of those in the background thinking that I bring on harassment or sexism myself, it is time to look in the mirror and reflect on why you hold onto those misguided values. I dress for my own pleasure, and I take photos to bring me joy.  If you in turn believe that I deserve my trolls, or it should be expected in today’s day and age, please let me know, and I will provide you with some amazing resources to help shake you out of that frame of mind. Putting myself out there is rarely easy.  It is often uncomfortable, and hot damn do I wish some days that people would appreciate the work and pay me fairly for it. With that all aside, I more often than not, understand that what I do is important. And that there is value in what I put out there, and I remain hopeful that one day the effort will pay off. Or at the very least, I can stop ranting about all those who call me a hypocrite.

Challenge Time: I want each of you to give a shout-out to someone who embodies a sex positive trait that you admire, or someone you admire for the content they create! Comment on this post, Twitter, Facebook, or wherever you read this blog!

Weird Rituals and Things I Do When I Like Someone

Libra Tattoo

Ok, I am about to share some things that I do when I like someone, and my hope is we can have some fun conversations about the lighter side of dating. I know, I have been venting a lot lately (Twitter), and my piece on the Pain of Ghosting definitely struck some chords with people. So let me be the first to proclaim that I can also be ridiculous, and fun, and I hope bringing some smiles or absurdity to the world will start changing my luck!  Haha!  A girl can dream right?  So, without further ado, here are some of the weird dating rituals that I do when I first meet someone, and actually start to like them.

Googling Them

While this one seems fairly standard in today’s day and age, I take this one as more of a sleuthing challenge. For some strange reason, I don’t ever ask someone’s last name, and instead prefer to “discover it” by putting random details that I have found out on a first date into various searches and discovering it. Looking back, I have always taken pride in figuring out a guys last name, and used to take a sneak peak at their drivers licence or credit card.  Haha!  Are you creeped out yet?  Oh, it gets weirder.

NoMoreWetSpot.com (Affiliate banner)

Sign Compatibility

Obviously, the point of those first few dates is to discover the likelihood of any budding romance or long-term compatibility. But, I do something a little strange, or at the very least something I don’t usually admit to people, I google zodiac compatibility. Why is this strange? Because I put zero stock in anything zodiac related. I have many thoughts on the subject (and believe me I would be a hypocrite to judge anyone for enjoying horoscopes being that I have my sign tattoo on my ankle) , but now, horoscopes and the like just aren’t a thing I consume. Well, except when it comes to compatibility tests. I absolutely love reading how two people rate when it comes to sex, love, and communication. And the best part, even if we are not a match, astronomically speaking, I take it as a personal challenge to be the exception to the rule. Really, I have to laugh at the ridiculousness of letting the stars be my guide in this instance.

Physical Chemistry

And last but not least, the final, or sometimes the first thing I do, is test the physical chemistry waters. Yes, sex is incredibly important to me, and if I don’t get butterflies reminiscing about that first touch or clothes off encounter, it’s going to be a no from me. Why even mince words on this one? I love sex, I want a steady stream of orgasms, and excitement for my life, so… it’s got to be there. And while I don’t expect an orgasm the first time, I am fully aware of my body, and know if I will get one in the near future.

Time shall tell if these strange little things will actually pan out or not. For the interim, they are kinda fun to do, especially that last section! Haha! So what are your little singledom rituals? Do you wear lucky lingerie? Memorize their phone number? Or something completely out of left field? Comment below! And don’t forget to check out Patreon for all the latest posts, behind the scenes photos, and much more!

Challenge Time!!! #30DaysSexPositive


Welcome to the third edition of the sex positive challenge! If this is your first time checking this out, congrats. For those who are joining me for the second or third time, I truly hope you find the challenges involving, fun, and at times thought provoking, and a little sexy? Springtime always makes me feel renewed and ready to start new things, hence starting each May with a little challenge definitely gives me a libido boost. And I have to give a special shout out to all the amazing participants in the past, truly, you amaze me with your insight, sexiness, and openness! I am so inspired and in awe of this amazing community. Thank you!

Now let us take a look at what May 2021’s challenge will entail.


In the past I have posted on all my social media each morning. This go around I’m going to try something a little different by posting daily on my Sex Positive Books and Blogs account, and then doing a weekly roundup of posts on IG, and Facebook. While engagement was increasing on the later two accounts, the actual home bases are not sex friendly, so I want to stick to what currently allows community building and open freedom of speech (Twitter). 

In short, daily challenges will go on Twitter, and I will complete them through my personal account so you have two easy ways to find them.


Once you have found the daily challenge, take whatever time you need to complete it.  Then the choice is yours to simply re-tweet using the #30DaysSexPositive or to share with the sex positive community something about the challenge you’re comfortable with, be it pictures, a blog post, music, or just a few words about it (using the hashtag of course).  The whole point is embrace to sex as a natural part of our humanity, and to explore different ways of thinking in a safe, consent based environment. And it is far more fun with community participation!

I want you to challenge yourself in whatever way you feel comfortable. That is part of the reason I don’t have prizes at this stage in the game. Penalizing someone for not completing a day due to it being outside their comfort zone does not sit well with me. This is designed to be a personal journey, that I hope brings you one step closer to embracing your sexual self.


One important note, I do strive to make each challenge completely inclusive. If for whatever reason you are not able to complete a challenge due to something I have overlooked, please send me a quick DM, explaining why so I can rectify it. I am still learning myself, and I want to ensure that this is sex positive and welcoming environment for all participants.

With that said, if you are ready to challenge yourself for this #30DaysSexPositive Challenge, welcome to our third edition!  I hope you have fun, and make it the whole 30 days! 

If you love this challenge and are wondering how to support more sex positive efforts in the future, my Patreon page is always open or check out one of my amazing affiliate banners on my home page.

Rage, Calling Out BS, and Sex Positivity

Sipping Sex Positivity… or Coffee

I wanted this post to be about May’s sex positive challenge that I will be running on Twitter, IG, and Facebook, but, in light of what happened yesterday on Twitter, I feel this article is very important to write and share.

An account I follow shared a harmless meme, asking what people’s preferred body hair style on woman. It could just as easily been about any pubic hair customization for that matter and I would love if someone had one for all sexes. But, I digress. A commentor made an off the cuff remark in regards to their personal preference following it up with, they wouldn’t ever pick the fully shaved one as they are not an 8 year old girl. I went into full rage mode. OK, first I asked them to consider editing the post, but they doubled down, and I went off in classic me RANT mode.  For full details of the interaction if you’re curious please check out my Twitter.  But to the point of this article, let me share (unedited) my takeaway of the events, after I had a chance to reflect and sleep on it:

“In light of what happened yesterday and my raging on here, I want to make a quick clarifying statement. I love history, and spend the majority of my spare time reading and exploring it. It is through knowing our past that we can shape the future we want. This works in a historical sense, as well as in our individuals lives. The mistake we do not want to make, is holding onto outdated ideas and allowing them to remain normal. It is up to each of us to call out sexism, bigotry, hatred, and any statement that is no longer ethical by today’s standards. Do not repeat the mistakes of the past. Learn, grow, and shape your vocabulary to be forward thinking and inclusive. And if you make a mistake, own it, correct it, and do not repeat it! “

Looking for a New Sex Toy? Love 50% off? Check out this article to find out how!

I changed my whole writing schedule for this blog post, because when sexism, racism, bigotry happen, we must stand up and react. This is a shared responsibility of all members of society.  And pieces like this are an integral part of being a sex positive individual. I am constantly learning, taking accountability for my past and current actions, and growing as a person.  I expect the same of my community. I have zero patience for people who double down on archaic or problematic stances or beliefs. I scream into the void, that we can do better.  We can incorporate all the mistakes from the past into a better future for ourselves and the generations to come!

Thank you for reading, liking, sharing, and constantly challenging me to grow into the sex positive individual I am, and I know we can all be. And if that doesn’t get you excited for May’s 30 day sex positive challenge, then I don’t know what will! Ha!

My First Wand [Product Review]

(Please note that this article includes a review of a complimentary product, and affiliate links)

Intimate Curves Rechargeable Wand

If I had to choose one positive side to being single, it would be getting in touch with all the various ways I can reach orgasm all by my lonesome. And a huge part of that personal exploration has included testing all the sex toys in my drawer, and putting serious effort into discovering new ones that work best for my body. While I wish this was something I did of my own accord, the truth is my favourite toy (of almost a decade) went out in a blaze of buzzing glory late last year. I had purchased it at the recommendation of a lovely salesperson in a tiny boutique that sadly no longer exists, le sigh. So, my exploration was in part forced upon me, and if I’m honest, a long time coming (tee hee).

For those who are not interested in my babble, and just want a down and dirty toy review, feel free to scroll down to the specs section.  When you do, there will be a handy little discount code so you can purchase directly from Adam and Eve, or if you are impatient click the Adam and Eve link, then please come back, and continue reading ?  (Get 50% off almost any 1 adult item & FREE US/CAN shipping by using offer code BREAKING at AdamandEve. 18+ Only.)

Now for those who love my babble and want to read all about the orgasmic experiences I have had with my new wand, please continue on. 

Are Sex Toys Investments?

I am nothing but honest, and the truth of the matter was, I needed a salesperson to sell me my most frequently used toy. My experiences a young adult was limited to the hard plastic $20 dollar, battery operated vibrators, that broke pretty much on an annual basis. I assumed that was the extent of all toys available, and as I reached orgasm with it, spending additional money was a waste. However, that dear lady showed me that toys could be an investment, and there was long term value in spending more upfront. Doing the math on a $130 toy, that lasted nearly a decade, and didn’t include the constant expense of batteries was my first foray into a more sophisticated buzzing device. Now that I had a firm grasp on the dollars and cents of the investment, it was time to explore if toys really were all created equal.

I poured over online review after online review trying to find a replacement, and the only common factor was that seemed constant was that no one toy suits every bodies needs. Finding a toy is as difficult as finding an in flesh sexual partner. Ok, perhaps it’s a little easier, but the fact remains that our bodies are unique and different. And while a deep rumbling vibration may bring one person to ecstasy, there is no guarantee that it will be universally effective. I, for example, truly believed that I needed the strongest buzz I could possibly get. But it turns out that sex toys have changed a lot in a decade. It is a whole new world out there, and the vibration quality has definitely improved. And as an added bonus, we have come a long way from balancing that magnetic charger ever so gently to get proper contact and a full recharge (RIP toy that was wonderful, but also filled with irritation).

So, where has this quest taken me? Well, if you go through my blog, you can peruse quite a few adventures I have been on from dildos, to rabbits, and even to clitoral sucking devices.  But the one thing I had not dared try was a wand. Wands were quite frankly, out of my price range, simply because I did not understand the power, or the reliability of them. I cannot thank Adam and Eve enough for providing me with the intimate curves rechargeable wand, that put all my hesitations to rest.

All of my vibrators up until this point have done one thing consistently, and that is bring me to an orgasm that left me wanting to do it again and again. And I assumed that this was the function of toys.  A quick release, and you can get on with your day, or to add spice to a sexual encounter with a partner.  That being said, I humbly admit that I was not in ownership of the best toy for my body. After using this wand I actually felt fully and completely satisfied. It was honestly the closest I have ever come to orgasm from intercourse (in regards to satisfaction level), and that is without any penetration. Am I converted, yes! Would I recommend? Yes!

Now it’s everyone’s favourite part of a product review, the actual sex toy review!

First, the colour. Yup, I love pretty pink toys.  Actually, they don’t have to be pink, there is just something magical about a beautiful toy and the detail and aesthetics of this wand in particular make me very happy.

Second, it is wireless. The flexibility to take the toy anywhere really suits my lifestyle. So, this was a huge motivating factor when comparing to other wands.

Third, the actual vibration strength, waterproofing (which I love not only for bath play but also the peace of mind that I can clean it thoroughly), and the comfort of the silicon.  All of these are A+.

Fourth, ease of navigation and the ability to turn off. I am such a fan of these new, easy to read lights. I know, this may not be relevant to many, but the simple satisfaction that I know the toy is actuall off with just a press of the power key (3 second hold) gives me a lot of peace of mind.

Fifth, and the final point, the ability to get me off! Yes, this toy has given me multiple orgasms. In fact, so many that I had to leave my house in order to finish this review. This is the first time that I have felt this satisfied from a sex toy and could go back for seconds, thirds, or whatever my body would allow all day long.

Do I recommend this sex toy? Yes. Do I think you should go exploring for something that suits your body as well as this did for me? Yes!  And in order to help you with that, the lovely people at Adam and Eve are giving you a handy discount code at checkout to receive 50% off of almost everything on their online store with free shipping in US/CAN. Simply click this link www.adameve.com/?sc=BREAKING and use BREAKING at checkout.

And of course, don’t forget to report back with your findings and exploration!  Sex is wonderful, so let us pass the knowledge of our great orgasms on!