It’s been 2 months of living solo, and whether by design, necessity, or circumstance, my new place has turned into a boy free zone. And I am not quite sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, having a place where not one man has my address is completely freeing. And thus, it has become my sanctuary. On the other hand, it’s tough to know for sure if this is due to me just not feeling anyone is worthy of coming over, or if I’ve just been holding out for that one special person. If you had asked me 5 years ago if I even thought there was just one special person, I would have said hell no! We can have multiple, and thus, by extension, I should by now, have given my address to multiple men, living wildly in my free and single youth-ish? Yet, here I sit, in my boy free zone.
I’ve written a few times in my Medium articles about this idea that any relationship is valid, so long as you and your partner choose it. And this, this is the relationship I want. One that works for my partner and I. One that we come up with together, suits our lifestyles, and brings both of us the highest possible level of joy. First though, I have to find that partner. Wait… am I even doing this right? Is this even a thing? Am I once again, out on an ideological limb, forging a path in the most dense forest I can possibly find?
Now though, I am just not sure what I want in a long term relationship. I know, for my regular readers you’ve seen my back and forth over the past few years, with my uncertainty becoming more and more prominent. And of course I know that that is not the way I am supposed to do things. As time goes on, I am supposed to gain clarity and a sense of what I want. But… and here is the big but… I am stuck with the idea that I must first discover who I want. And that, will lead me to discover what type of relationship I will want to forge.

Yeah, probably. Because that seems to be what I do best. Get an idea, then just run with it, headstrong and fancy free?!? So, again that brings me to this whole “no boys allowed” thing. If I want a partner, and I want to forge my own path, why I am being so protective about my space? Why am I not allowing boys to come on over? Again, I find myself with more questions than answers, clinging to this hope that this will all work out for me. It must, right?!?!
I have a year lease, so I hope that at some point over the next year, I get to write about actually having my first boy over! Cause that would be pretty spectacular! But, with my luck lately, I should probably not try and get too far ahead of myself. Baby steps. One little plan at a time. For now, boy free is working, or I have just accepted that it is what it is. I do hope that special soul is out there, wanting to be the first one invited. But my life continues to remain weird.
Beer money can be given to yours truly via my Patreon! And yes, there is a behind the scenes photo from this blog post on there… 🙂