Well, with another election completed I sit here drained and upset, not with the results, but with the hatred. I firmly believe that love is love. In fact, I am writing a whole series on Medium about my exploration of love and everything that non-monogamy helped me explore. You know, the whole, love takes many forms, shapes, and sizes. It’s a beautiful thing, and if there is anything I would love to be remembered for, it is overcoming many obstacles, and instead of being bitter, or angry, actually showing a side of playful fun, laughter, and love. Yup. Pretty simple. I want to love and be loved, in an aura of happiness and bliss. Doesn’t that sound lovely?
But, again, here I sit, unfriending people from my real life networking who are spewing hate. The problem is, they don’t seem to realize they are doing it. They truly believe that they are on the side of good, and that my friends is the hypocrisy that I simply cannot tolerate. The world needs people to fight for, and speak up for those who are unable to. We all deserve love, safety, security, and access to more than basic human rights. For all these things, we often require advocates with whom can recognize when things are unfair and enact real change for these humans. This is the compassion and empathy that our world needs more of.
What we don’t need, is people who go too far in this mission. The people who become blinded in their own self righteousness brings those further away from the “them”. With the result being… more separation. We must find a way to start opening the conversations. We must all, suspend our disbelief for a few moments that we have “enemies” and reflect that perhaps we are all humans and it may be more effective to listen than yell. I know, I know, it sounds crazy.
Wanna take a game break and earn real gift cards and cash? Sign up is easy and helps fuel this blog!I wrote this post mainly, because we just had an election in my province, and that I was unfriending people who were displaying hypocrisy. I wanted to explore that, acknowledging that yes, I am erring too. The complexity of this issue is that there are people I know I just cannot reach. And there is an element of self care, that comes from putting a little separation between people who are just so far gone, that it is draining to even be in their presence. While I do wish I could talk to these people, one on one, I simply don’t have the energy for that large of a battle. Echo chambers are frightening places right now, and waking up all those hornets is going to get me stung.
This piece is more a start for me. To ensure I know what my long term goal is. You know, the ultimate legacy that I want to leave for future generations. Big words, dreaming big, and envisioning a world with love, empathy, and compassion. How will we get there? By listening to people who may not share our views, and trying to find common ground. But doing so only when we can, and understanding that sometimes it is OK to just close a door for a few moments, and let some of the emotion simmer out.
As I was reminded a few days ago, after a rant and rave of a horrible customer, perhaps all he needed was a hug and someone to listen to him. We live in complex times. And I recognize that there is more to learn by asking questions, rather than having all the answers. And that is a start to neutralizing hate. Oh and could we please stop telling people who to vote for, and start having arguments and debate again?!? That would be swell…
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