Why are some men so incredibly afraid of vibrators? I wrote my thoughts on porn being just porn , in hopes that it would shed some light on the fear that some woman have regarding their male partners porn viewing habits. The long and the short of it is that men are going to watch porn, and so long as the female does not feel that the porn is replacing her, it should be accepted for what it is in man’s life, just porn. So now onto our male counterparts, and some of your fear or discomfort with vibrators in your woman’s life.
Vibrators are a part of our female history, most notably in the usage by doctors to cure the female condition called hysteria. The vibrator was developed by doctors because their arms were getting tired manually stimulating the female genitals. Now instead of large contraptions filled with belts, gears, and sometimes even steamed powered machines we have portable devices run on batteries. And let me tell you that they still can cure a multitude of ailments from headaches, to mild depression and most importantly to use just because it feels great. But there are still men out there who fear these pleasurable devices, and woman who are embarrassed about them too.
The thing of it is, these devices are not designed to be a replacement for a penis, tongue, or finger. How could they be, when many are designed to look like dolphins or bunnies, even cute rubber duckies for some bath time play. People are not designed to vibrate, and thus we are not able to provide the same sensations to our partners that these toys can. Hence the parallels between the lack of threat between a males porn viewing and a females vibrator are clear. One is just not a substitute for the real thing, and in fact both places of stimulation can even be a special treat in the bedroom or a regular enhancement. Whereby the male has his visual senses kicked into overdrive, and the female has her clitoris stimulated during penetration for just one small example.
Whatever makes your sex life more amazing is a good thing and should not be viewed as a threat. Jealousy is a funny thing, and it is something I am faced with on a daily basis in my lifestyle, but the trick to really take a moment and think about what is actually the root cause of your fear or insecurity. Figuring out the cause of jealousy is something that can be applied to many other aspects of your life, so take the time as I have to figure out why something that can add pleasure for you and your partner is a negative thing. And please do not forget to pick safe toys for you and your partner, free of harmful chemicals, for more information please use the links in this blog.
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