So many people look forward to the springtime, the season of new beginnings and the much anticipated break from the winter. I, on the other hand, look forward to fall. Autumn is the season of change, growth and exciting new beginnings. Yes, I am biased because my birthday is a few weeks away, so of course this is the full circle for me. But also, it is the time when a natural schedule sets in, either as a result of school starting or just the days getting shorter and a necessity to plan a bit better. There is a rhythm that fall brings, a sense of stability after a summer full of random adventures. Or in my case misadventures and unexplored opportunities. Le sigh.
I keep telling myself that I will grab every new opportunity that comes my way. To take the challenge of never saying no. But my reality is, (if you read my last post I go into a bit more detail), that I am finally comfortable with my opinions. I have spent years finding my voice, and when even the subtlest red flag presents itself it’s so hard to just ignore and choose adventure. It’s such a double edged sword. One that I am not sure how to reconcile.
As far as sexual adventures go, I am 100 percent on board if they involve my partner. I want us to continue exploring as a team. But all solo expeditions almost feel selfish right now. Does that make any sense? I want us to experience new people together and get to laugh and share stories as a united front. I don’t want to put in the effort of building up new solo prospects that are just a bunch of going nowhere men. I know, that sounds super jaded, but if you have seen the state of online dating recently, you may have an ounce of empathy for where I am coming from. Men who have never heard of non-monogamy just want sex. Men who have, are really, really difficult to find. And it becomes too time consuming to even begin a conversation.
But, here I sit, writing with my favorite movie on in the background (Labyrinth) and fall is setting in. It is the time for a shift in mentality, and perhaps even towards a more positive and hopeful one too. A season of soft changes, and little waves of chillier weather. As the leaves fall, perhaps my barriers will do the same. Maybe there is something just incredible waiting for me under the next leaf pile…
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