Re-Claiming My Power

I often say the words, “I have no choice but to be a writer”. While this sentiment is often a playful one, born out of the randomness that makes up my life, putting together my recent article on Sexism and Harassment in Craft Beer really drove the point home. I anguished for nearly two weeks writing it. I ended up with nearly 7 pages of draft paragraphs and notes. And, I cried, raged, drank, and even had a few nightmares mixed in. Coming face to face with all the sexism and harassment that I have faced over the years was brutal. Writing it down on paper made it real. And I had to make decisions about what I wanted to go public with, and what I was going to one day delete and just pretend never happened. It made me feel raw, vulnerable, and quite alone.
But here’s the thing, as soon as it was published, a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was able to let go, and break free of so much anger that had been building up in me. Not only did I put myself out there as a real person, but, I created a plan of action on my Instagram which celebrates beer and boobs in an ethical way. And that is why I write. That is why I went through all the pain, and anguish. To come to a place where I could share my thoughts, and create a clear path for what I want my future to be. Re-claiming my power.

I have always wanted to normalize conversations and images about sex, and sexiness. I can’t pretend I do not have boobs just so I no longer invite sexism or harassment. That’s not a solution. What I can do is talk about it, take fun and sexy photo’s, put content out into the world that I enjoy, and then talk about it. When a person crosses a line or boundary, we can talk about it, educate, and create a more sex positive environment. Again, this will not happen by turning a blind eye to the problem, or censoring the issues.
This behind the scenes post was going to include all the moments I didn’t feel safe putting out there to strangers about my sexual harassment in my Medium article. But, instead, I was able to delete all the pain, and get really excited about the possibilities that putting myself out there in an authentic way has. This, is why I write. This is why it’s important for me to speak up against sexual harassment, and sexism. It’s not a choice, it’s just who I am. Writing empowers me, and knowing how much relief I have in publishing that article, I think it’s time to get that book finished… don’t you?
If you want to help fuel my writing needs, please consider subscribing to my Patreon. And yes, next month is going to be vinyl, boobs, and beer on IG with NSFW on BreakingAway (Patreon)… enjoy!
For the love of god learn how to use an apostrophe.
Apostrophes do not indicate a plural.
If you want to call yourself a writer, put some effort into basic grammar.
Thank you so much for reading my post!
I’m so glad you’ve been able to delete all the pain, and celebrate your authentic self.
Harassment is unpleasant, and I’m mulling my thoughts over on the subject tonight, so a timely post indeed!
Thank you. How did your evening go mulling things over? I know the experience can be draining and tough.