Fantasy VS Reality

Look at me go… 2 weeks in a row blogging with writing prompts! When does this become a habit that I no longer have to think about? Hmm… that is a question for the ages. If you missed week one, you can click here, and if you want to journal with some writing prompts of your own from some incredible women writers: the book I’m using is the image. Without further ado, let me puzzle out the idea of fantasy vs reality in my own writing.
When I first started reading Ursula K Le Guin speak to imagination and fantasy, I was both captivated by her incredible use of imagery to speak to fiction, and also nervous that in the very second week, I would be unable to complete this task. My written word has primarily existed in the world of non-fiction, memoir, and real life experiences, shared for all, or I suppose overshared is more apt. Fiction is not a medium I work with, and the idea of utilizing disparate concepts is pretty much the complete opposite of where I want to be.
The thing is, when working with a medium that includes other people, the idea of libel is one that often weighs heavily on my mind. As much as I try to relate my experiences and perspectives alone, none of my adventures would exist without others in it. So to create a narrative that is anything less than authentic, colourful or imaginative could open me up to a whole host of things I am not prepared for. So to understand the connection in my own work, is to acknowledge that for the most part, I try to bring as much truth, and sincerity as I can to my words. My playfulness is with puns, little inside jokes that make me smile, and so many euphemisms.
I will say though, when I have played with the idea of merging fantasy and reality, erotica is almost exclusively the result. Am I an amazing writer in that medium? No. Does it take a lot out of me? Yes, yes it does. But, is it fun from time to time? Hells yes. This is the one place where I can take a hot experience, and twist it with a few delightful embellishes or simply play out how I wish an evening could have gone, might have gone, and sometimes just something that I would never want in real life, but my brain says… maybe? If you’re curious here’s a piece I had published many moons ago, that being said, the link was pretty difficult for my computers security to accept as real, so you might not get to read it. But, here goes… A Night for Three.
When my imagination and experiences come together, I never feel like I can publish those words. They aren’t real, and thus, I feel like there is less value in putting them down on paper. I “love” digging deeper in things that are real, and tangible. I have love in quotations because in the past few years it has been a love/hate endeavour, especially in the finishing of my first memoir. In this moment it is love that I feel. And touch of pride that I continuously put myself out there, trying to ensure that I am the best, possible me that I can be. Genuine and real to all those who are in my inner circle. Wow, from a prompt I thought would have no value, I really have gone on an adventure.
Stay tuned for week three! And if you want to see the behind the scenes, or read a few more excerpts from my short lived Breaking Away After Dark series, check out my Patreon.