A Master Class from Women Writers

My bestie bought me a book for my birthday, that admittedly I didn’t pay much attention to at the time, knowing full well that it had been gifted with a purpose that I ignored for months. Much to my serendipitous surprise, when I picked it up for my first book of 2025, it turned out to be a 52 week writers prompt. Who knew? I sure didn’t, but, leave it to her to find exactly what I need, and then wait patiently for me to figure it out for myself. As my last post stated, I am going real, raw, and getting back to the basics of why I write, what I write, and contrary to my firm desire to do it on my own, the universe has instead presented me with a method to actually accomplish this. OK fine, I already admitted it wasn’t the universe, it was someone who knows me too well for my own good, isn’t that enough? Oh dear, I’m collecting a lot of these people?!? What have I done? Who am I? My vulnerable underbelly is exposed and it is uncomfortable AF! My very first post of 2025, and I am already going on a tangent to avoid doing the thing I know will feel amazing when I do it. Deep breath, here goes nothing: I’m digging deeper, with prompting.
- Memory : The first task is to go sensory deep, and write a memory based of that. This is exactly how I write. Most often I will be sitting in a hot bath, or driving down the road and a smell, or an image will stir something in my brain, and a memory will slowly come into focus. I will remember the people, the words, the sounds, and the feelings in a disjointed rhythm that sometimes becomes an entire article, or will more often then not be something I wanted to accept and then not think about again.
When I smell freshly cut grass, I remember being a toddler on a bright sunny day. Here I am, alongside my grandparents house, pushing a little plastic lawnmower, trying to emulate my grandfather who is hard at work, cutting the grass, just out of view of me. I am pushing the red wheels over concrete, trying to get to him as fast as I can, wanting to be his brave helper, when I get caught up on the crack in the pavement, and tumble to the ground. I start to cry, and he comes racing over. Picking me up in his arms, he states sternly that big girls don’t cry, and my wailing becomes stifled. I don’t want to be a baby, I want to be a big girl, and help him cut the grass. I want him to be proud of me. Of course I’m a toddler and don’t actually know any of these things. But, I remember the smell of the grass. The confident little me, not understanding that I was pushing a toy, rather than an actual grass cutting machine. The warm sunshine on my skin. I forget the skinned knee. I overlook the sternness of his voice, and only know that in those precious moments I was learning who and what I wanted to be. Strong, helpful, brave, and without tears.
As I grew older, I would forget all of these things, with one exception, the not crying part. That was to shape who I was for almost my entire identity. My baseline was if I could overcome my tears, and my humiliation when they got the best of me. Well into my mid 20’s I battled these things pesky salty stains on my cheek. Believing them to be signs of weakness, and the embodiment of everything I hated about myself, my feminine wiles. And then something happened that turned my outlook regarding crying on its head.
When I was in my late 20’s I started crying in front of a long lost boyfriend. In my horror, that I was displaying this pitiable offence, he walked over to comfort me with horny intent. Yes, you read that correctly. This man, that I was seeing, had grown a full on erection at the sound or sight of my sobbing self. And yes, he did indeed begin to comfort me, in the only love language he knew, sex. My tears got me layed. It was a confusing moment. And one that would be repeated, time and time again, adding layers of complexity with how this person, writing before you feels about her tears.
Well, wasn’t that a fun first prompt eh? If you would like to see more, or would like to buy me a beer, please consider subscribing to my Patreon page (Bonus content for this post is already live, and is not PG). Thank you all for sharing my journey thus far!