Bullying in the Wake of COVID-19

We are supposed to be living in a time where we are trying to end the stigma around mental health issues and yet, everywhere I look, there is something tragic going on, social shaming. As of right now, there is a rallying cry for people to stay home, isolate, and immediately end the spread of COVID-19. We are at the critical containment phase, based on our best scientific information. The current directive is to self quarantine for 14 days if you have any symptoms, and to seek medical assistance if your health gets worse. But with that directive, something else is bubbling up. People on social media are starting to panic, get incredibly passionate, and emotional about the current events. And sadly, this is leading to actual bullying and social shaming of all of those who are socializing in public spaces. And for me, it is difficult to watch. Why? Because I have a very close connection to depression, and part of what keeps this at bay is socialization.
Hanging out with friends, going out into the sunshine, and interacting with strangers is all part of my house holds mental health regime. Whenever we are feeling low, the boost that comes from getting out of the house is enormous. In fact, it is necessary for both of us to ensue that we keep a clean bill of health. And yes, I know what you are going to say, that we are selfish. That the only way to stop the spread of this virus is to just stay home. That it is only for 14 days. But at what cost is this to individuals around the world who are social extroverts and need human interaction?

I recognize this is a complicated matter. And no, I am not saying I have all the answers, or even that my opinion is valid in the grand scheme of containment. But, I am very much attached to the humans in my household. And I fully believe that small bars, breweries, and pubs are doing everything they can to sanitize their facilities and try to keep their patrons safe. And this is why, I will, for the time being continue to support their businesses. And no, I am not doing this to be selfish, or with a blind eye to the pandemic we are facing.
I am doing this because my mental health matters too. We cannot just pick and choose which parts of ourselves we are willing to protect or keep safe. We need to understand that we are whole human beings, and with an increase of depression, or increased stress levels, the science does back up the fact that we become more susceptible to disease and infections. Perhaps not with corona virus, and I doubt there will be any time in the rampant spread to conduct studies about this, and nor am I asking any doctor to spend any time investigating this. It is far more important to try and find a cure, vaccine, and to treat all the individuals currently facing this incredibly fast moving infection.
COVID-19 is spreading. And it is spreading at an alarming rate. But please, understand that there is new information coming out hourly about it. So please, stop bullying or social shaming those who absolutely have to get out of the house. Let those who require socialization to remain calm in the wake of this panic do what they need to do. Isolation is hard on all of us, but, it can be life or death for those with depression. Do not waste a minute more shaming or judging others. Instead, concern your efforts on protecting yourself and your family. And for goodness sake, wash your hands, and stop hoarding toilet paper!
Edit: After writing this post, and really listening to the information out there, and all you kind readers who took the time to say I was right out on left field… thank you. Sometimes I blog to work through something, vent my frustrations, or just simply voice an opinion that I may change with more information. And with that additional research and information I was able able to write a positive resource on Non-monogamy in Isolation that I hope helps us all!
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